Term 01

eCourse 301: The Nature of Entrepreneurial Practice & Business Model
Subject: Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Type: Core
Credits: 4
Course Description: The course provides students with the salient features of the enterprise and its business evolution and will abstract the innovative and entrepreneurial practices which sustained the businesses. It will explore the financial, technical and market dimensions of the evaluation of an entreprise for its success.

eCourse 101: Energy Production/ Generation and Storage for Mini-grids
Subject: Mini-grid
Type: Core
Credits: 4
Course description: The course provides students with sufficient knowledge about renewable energy technologies and systems, design and implementation in the context of mini-grids. This incudes solar wind, hydro, energy storage, hybrid systems,etc). The students will understand the different generation and storage technologies, the design considerations and their applicatiosn in the mini-grid sector.

eCourse 202: Advanced Power Electronics Applications
Subject: Digitalization
Type: Core
Credits: 4
Course description: The course provides students with modelling and control concepts of advanced power electronic components involved in smart mini-grid systems. It will allow students to understand the state-of-the -art theories and methods for analysis and control of power flow in smart grid applications using power electronics.

eCourse 102: Design, Planning and Operation of Mini-grids
Subject: Mini-grid
Type: Core
Credits: 4
Course description: The course provides students with the fundamentals of mini-microgrid systems, design, and sizing methodology of mini-micro grids, the operation and management concepts related to their applications such as servicing and maintenance strategies.
Term 02

eCourse 201: ICT Infrastructure in Smart Grids
Subject: Digitalization
Type: Core
Credits: 4
Course Description: The course builds a foundation and understanding of technologies involved to create the Smart Grid, the challenges of implementing a Smart Grid. It will discuss the different communication technologies, standards and protocols for smart grid network applications and their requirements. It will mainly focus on intelligent electricity distribution grids, present the latest digital /frontier technologies used to automated such grids, and analyse the impact of these technologies on smart grids/mini-grids systems.

eCourse 203: IoT and coding for Mini-grids
Subject: Digitalization
Type: Core
Credits: 4
Course description: The course builds a solid background in progamming required to implement digital frontier technologies (such as Internet of Things, AI, blockchain technology, etc) applications in mini/smart grid. It will provide students with essential concepts of programming, numerical methods and optimization needed to implement IoT, and frontier technologies applications in mini/smart grids.

eCourse 204: Data Management and Smart Grid Analytics
Subject: Digitalization
Type: Core
Credits: 4
Course description: The course explores the digitalisation tools for efficient operation of smart/minigrid systems. The course will also review the basics of learning algorithms, important applications of big data analytics and machine learning in electric power distribution systems, transmission grids, and electricity markets.
Term 03

eCourse 104: Mini-grids Policy Regulation and standards
Subject: Mini-grid
Type: Core
Credits: 4
Course Description: The course reviews the trends and standards, legislative and regulatory rules related to implementation of minigrids projects on the continent, and provide students with tools to evaluate externalities of mini-grid systems.

eCourse 103: Business Model and Finance of Mini-grids
Subject: Mini-grid
Type: Core
Credits: 4
Course description: The course provides students with fundamentals of finance and economic business model concepts applicable in the minigrid sector. They will understand the importance of economic thinking in decision-making of mini-gid projects, and make use of appropriate models to conduct econonic feasibility study of a mini-grid project and assess the project’s profitability.

eCourse 302: Building Expertise in Products and Services
Subject: Innovation & Entrepreneurship
Type: Core
Credits: 4
Course description: The course empowers the students with innovation and entrepreneurship knowledge to become expert in the area(s) in which they want to become entrepreneurial. It will provide students with knowledge about the product and services of their smart grid innovation in order to sustain their applicability in local marketplaces.

Inception Internship
Subject: Start-up Lab Solution
Type: Core
Credits: 4
Course description: The internship allows the students to prospect and/or investigate the feasibility of their innovation/business idea with a company/institution operating in the same area of interest. It will contribute to the refinement of the innovation/business idea by integrating technical, economic, regulatory and legal aspects related to the development of their project, based on experience and data acquired while utilizing lessons learned in the programme.
Term 04

Lab Solution
Subject: Start-up Lab Solution
Type: Core
Credits: 15
Course Description: This will allow the students, using an Action Research approach, to design strategies in an iterative manner in the development of an innovative solution, prototype or service meeting market needs, and sustainable enterprises. They will apply the methods, skills and knowledge they have acquired in previous courses to develop their autonomy and initiative in starting a business in the smart micro-grid sector.